Frequently Asked

We have answers to your loan questions

Hard Money Loan Frequently Asked Questions

Does ABC Properties LLC charge a prepayment penalty?

No, View Bill E never charges a penalty for paying off a loan before the maturity.

Read Our Getting Started Guide

What happens in a year if we need more time to complete our business and our loan is maturing with ABC Properties LLC?


While our loans usually mature in one year, we will consider extending the note for a year for an additional three points. If a customer needs just a little more time, we will usually extend the note for one point for a three-month extension. View Bill E will only extend loans for customers with excellent pay history in the first year.

Does ABC Properties LLC require surveys?

Yes. Long Answer: Existing surveys are often acceptable. Title companies require surveys in order to provide title insurance to lenders for possible encumbrances on title due to encroachments, boundary issues, easements, etc. Surveys also provide confirmation that the physical address and legal description represent the same property. Surveys protect both the borrower and lender.

For what property types does ABC Properties LLC make loans?

ABC Properties LLC makes loans on all property types with the exception of owner-occupied primary residences.

Do we have to maintain property insurance for the loan amount?

Insurance is required for all property with structures. View Bill E takes into consideration the value of the land and does not require you to insure the land. A Flood Certificate will determine whether Flood Insurance is needed.

Where does ABC Properties LLC do business?

View Bill E makes loans on real property in all the 50 states .

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