Commercial Property Loan

Invest With Hard Money Loans

Hard Money Loans For Your Business Property

Need a commercial property loan? No matter the reason, all that matters is that you have enough money to buy the commercial property that’s in the most convenient location for your customers, has everything you need for your employees to work comfortably and allows you to get the job done.

That’s where we come in! ABC Properties LLC provides hard money loans for commercial real estate throughout Missouri and Houston, TX. With all the commercial real estate properties up for sale in the area, it certainly won’t be hard finding the most suitable one for your business. However, without sufficient funds, it can be hard to finalize the purchase.

Fast Loans For:

Commercial Property
Business Offices
Real Estate

Hard Money Loans For Real Estate

Our hard money loans are available for all types of borrowers. They’re beneficial to borrowers as they offer quick loan funding and flexible loan terms (we work with you!). There’s no prepayment penalty with hard money; fewer loan requirements are involved, and funding can be provided for a nearly endless list of properties. Our loan limits range from $50,000 to a maximum of $2,000,000! Do you think that will be enough for the commercial property you want?

Ready To Invest In Commercial Real Estate?

Contact us today to learn more about our hard money loans for commercial real estate in Houston and Missouri, TX. We’ll make sure you get the required amount of money you need for the space you envision working in for many years to come. Call Jeffery HenselThe Lender today at 816-280-9440.